Remedial Rocket Science by Susannah Nix

Remedial Rocket Science by Susannah NixRemedial Rocket Science by Susannah Nix
Published by Haver Street Press on June 21, 2017
ISBN: 9780999094846
Length: 262 pages
Source: Haver Street Press
Series: Chemistry Lessons #1
Genres: Fiction, New Adult, Romance, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy

Where to find this book:

Buy at: Amazon | B&N | Kobo
Formats Available: eBook, Paperback, Audiobook
See it on Goodreads

Other stuff you should know:

I received this book for free from Haver Street Press in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Heads up! This book comes with a content warning (details in the review).

Our rating:


A while back, I was fortunate enough to guest review Susannah Nix‘s Remedial Rocket Science at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books:

Remedial Rocket Science is Susannah Nix’s first full length book, following the release of a short story collection I and Love and You. I’d read the latter and kept a lookout for Remedial Rocket Science, and when the chance to get an advanced reader’s copy in exchange for my honest review popped up, I took it.

And really, this book is like my own personal catnip, if I’m being honest. There’s a geeky cover! The heroine’s working in a STEM field! It’s a romantic comedy! Did I mention the cover’s pretty?

The book opens with socially-stunted Melody Gage taking a night off from her studies at MIT to make an attempt at interacting with fellow humans. Her date’s a no-show, and circumstances contrive to send her (literally) into the arms of Jeremy Sauer, a hot, rich college dropout with whom she has nothing in common except lust. They have a pleasant but short-lived interlude, and part as friends, promising to get in touch if they’re ever in the same place again.

Fast forward three years, and Melody finds her herself in Los Angeles, Jeremy’s hometown, preparing for a major interview with an aerospace giant (which, hey, just happens to partly owned by his family). Keeping her promise, she calls on Jeremy to help her get the lay of the land and decide if LA’s actually somewhere she wants to live. Of course, it’s just the beginning of a longer journey together neither Melody nor Jeremy is quite prepared for.

Head over to SBTB to read the full review!

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